Friday, August 12, 2011

I need a woman's opinion?

I think education has little to do with it. You both have strong personalities and different views on what living arrangements should be. Depending on how much time left you have on your lease you could possibly get out of it. If not, wait till your lease is up. She asked you to leave and you can not ruin your name for her whims. Secondly. Dont just move right back in. Let her stand on her own a while and you do the same. If you do move to where she is, rent an apartment or house for a while. I am sure you can find one that does not require a long lease. If you can not talk on the phone with out arguing, how will you live together. You can make new friends and meet new people, you can not take back time wasted on something that is never going to work. Even if you care about her, which you do not say anything about, sometimes you just can not live with someone. Before you even consider it again you and her need to talk about what you want from the other, and what you expect. If you dont want to do favors for nothing, then say so. If someone asks you, tell them you will look at the home, or job and get them an estimate before you agree to it. If you and her can not agree on the most basic things, you will never have a healthy relationship, no matter if you live with her or separately.

She hurt me in ways I didn't think anyone could, PLEASE help?

You seem like a really nice guy sorry this happened to you. I'm not really sure what was going through this girls head. There is one explanation I can think of though. She got played by her first bf who she really liked and as a way to cope with the pain she found another man to confide in which was you. Then she was still jaded about love so she moved onto another guy because she thinks that every guy is insincere (she's jaded). That's the only thing I can think of because I went through something similar but I came back to the guy who truly loved me because I know that he is my true love. I hope things work out for you and I wish you the best. oh yeah and one other thing. My first bf broke up with me and didn't love me the way that I loved him. The pain was horrible but then 3 years later I met the man of my dreams. There are other fish in the sea. good luck!

Help Me Remember This Movie!?

The Great Outdoors with John Candy features a scene like that. The old man says he has been struck by lightning 66 times in the head.

Can somebody try to help me understand why i feel this way?

this happened not to long ago, warning this is long. i have good qualities im nice, im funny, im great artist, heavy metal musician, football, baseball player, im strong, healthy, i have a way with training animals but i feel empty, not to long ago a ph disaster happened in my fish tank and 5 fish died and my dad called me lazy along with that he complained about the overgrown weeds and the fact i dont swim in the pool to often but im very busy all the time. and then he thinks i cant take care of the dog he's lhasa apso and he has eye, skin and ear problems he wont let me give him medicine the one thing hes a bad dog with. he also complains about my clothes and is always calling me lazy Its almost like he only cares about what he doesnt like about me usaully it doesnt bother me from him it does and its had me down for a long time and i need good answers

Should I be worried about having a blood clot?

Well when I woke up at about 6 this morning I had a really painful sharp pain under my left breast like in the top of my ribs. It hurt when I moved and inhaled. I went to the hospital and they said it sounded like a possible blood clot so they did an EKG on me and it was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check for a blood clot but I refused cause im terrified of bad news. I have also been extremely and oddly gassy today, and since the pain went away while I was in the hospital I assumed it was caused by gas. My question is, if I did have a blood clot would I be feeling the affects? My friend thats a CNA said that if I did have a blood clot my blood pressure would be high and I'd be feeling ill. But besides the constant gas, I feel fine. Should I be worried?

1999 Vortec V6 with vibration issues?

I have a 4.3L v6 from a 1999 GMC in my Toyota pickup. I slipped into a deep spot in crossing a stream and the engine hydro locked. I emptied the cylinders of water and started the engine a day later. It fired up and as it settles close to at 400-500 rpms, the engine shakes very badly. Not a simple vibration these engines are known for, but enough to shake the whole truck. Give it gas to about 600-700 rpms and the vibration is gone. Anything above that and the engine runs fine. Any ideas on what might have been damaged? I know engines are usually severely damaged by hydro locking, but I'm curious since this engine will start and run fine so long as it isn't left to idle so low.

Are there any CNA/Nurses out there that are moms?

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but I will try to answer as much as I can. I am a CNA, and am going to nursing school, and I am a mother to a 3 year old son. I can tell you that 1 tsp is 5 cc, 1 tbsp is 15 cc, and 1 ounce is 30 cc. Hopefully that helps. Good luck, and remember that teachers are there to help you. They want to see you succeed, so if something is confusing you tell them, and I'm sure they would be happy to explain it to you as many times as they need to.

Would you be offended?

No not offended at all, this used to be the way of life many years ago, so it doesn't offend me, not unless it's rather for the slavery then against it or along those lines.

CNA question, please help?

I'm 16 and live in California and I want to take a CNA course. I've read online that you can take the course when you're 16 but on other websites I've read that you have to be 18 to take the course. so I'm confuse, do I have to be 16 or 18?? And another question, do you absolutely HAVE to have a clean criminal background or is it okay to have one little crime that happened years ago?? When I was 13 I made a stupid decision to try to steel something from a store and I got caught -.- but I payed off the whole fine now and I never stole anything again :)

My gf took the biggest dump ever in my house, what do I do?

HAHA, I'm sorry to hear that this happened honey. But you shouldn't dump her because of a shitty accident because face it, **** HAPPENS LOL. Just take some precautions and maybe tell her NICELY to be a little be more responsible and maybe to act more her age because why and the hell was she standing on the toilet?!

IM a cna ,in a nursing home its back breaking and some times stressfull work, i work the 11-7 shift ,?

i feel that cnas sometimes need to step back , as in call in once in a while without hearing a bunch of gripe from the DON, THE WAY they do the staffing sucks, sometimes there is only three that works most of the nites , is this illigal

Poem/story about my television crush, what are your thoughts on it. Sorry if it's garbled, copy may be goofed?


What do you think about my (VERY!) short story?!?

I LOVE the way you write :) I think its really charming the way you write. The adjectives, the symbolism, and the boys thoughts go well together. Its really entertaining to read :) keep writing, I think you've got a gift :)

Side effects occurring after discontinuing Sertraline (Zoloft), Help?

Fatima... 50 mg of Zoloft is a low dose, but you can experience withdrawal symptoms even with that dosage. You should be treated by a psychiatrist, not a regular doctor. Only psychiatrists are properly trained for brain neurochemistry. They will put you on something else that won't have significant side effects. Chip

How long will it take for my CNA Licence to turn active on the doh website?

I passed my CNA test. Right now it shows pending on the site,it has been that way for a much longer is it going to take to turn active because I need it to get a job :/

How do i add itunes music to windows movie maker?

okay so i press import audio/music then i go to the itunes folder, click on the singer then the almbum pops up, i click on that but then it says somthing like this folder is empty! HELP ASAP my computer is a dell laptop

What can i expect to see as a nurse?`?

i am starting an rn program this fall and am in training to be a cna currently. i have done my fair share of ivestigating and researching on both profdessions, its very much in my family and i think i will truly enjoy it. im just wondering if theres any rns and cnas out there who can tell me how to prepare for school, the patients, etc! thanks!

Should I call the employer again?

Call again, they want to know who really wants the job, and who is willing to put forth effort to get it.

Iam having nokia 5233 mobile n problem vt its inbuilt memory plz plz help nobody is answering this...?

my nokia 5233 mobile is a new handset which i took it on 1st of jan of this year,it is having internal memory around 80MB but after rounding up the memory used for internal phone applications and msgs it should be around 50 to 55MB at the most but my mobile is showing memory left in KBs when i see the folders in phone manager they are empty but still the phone memory is bieng used for the purpose which i don't know.n decreasing memory further ,I Have visited nokia care for three times but they say may b u have virus ,as i use to browse net through uc browser on this mobile or may be the uc browser problem which iam not able to clear up the cookies or other waste information stored without bieng into consideration please send me the path to clear up the uc browser and mobile browser cache,cookies n free up the mobile memory,this problem come when i use net from my mobile n the nokia care service people always format my phone this makes its memory normal but again problem recurrs after certain period of time,i don't want to format my phone again n again n i also don't want to stop using net from my phone plz Plz help me,i have used many applications like cleaner ,active file,memory up,net q in,ram blower but thes application free a very less amount that is only 0.5 to 2MB only,this less amount of memory is making my phone slow even hang for few times plz help me

Frostbitten feet?!?! Please help!!!!?

It was snowing terribly today, which resulted in many lovely deep snow drifts and slush puddles. Unfortunately, my boots were useless as they were not waterproof. Within minutes of leaving my apartment, my feet were soaked to the bone, and since I didn't have any change in footwear, I had to spend the entire day at work with my feet submerged in freezing ice water. Then I had to trudge through the snow and slush all over again in order to get home. When I got home, my feet felt horrible. I took off my drenched boots and socks and my feet are all purple and swollen. Is this frostbite? If it is, what should I do? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

I feel constantly Disasociated! **Advice ASAP**?

Hey, Im 14 about to turn 15 but I have been smoking for the past 3 1/2 years and I quit about 10 weeks ago. The thing is - when I first started I would ignore the fact that me and my friends would smoke but I would get WAAY more stoned than them - and also that I would have these sudden rushes of sense and realization that would hit me as I got less stoned. Weed would blow my mind - BUT WAAAAY too much. As I got less stoned - my senses (taste, smell & just generally feeling there) would kick in and I would feel normal & 'back' again but as I gradually began smoking more heavily (during the 2nd and 3rd year) the time in between these realizations when I smoked (And I was smoking weed & cigs quite regularly) would increase in length until I would have to wait days then months and now it seems 10 weeks (and counting) before my senses would kick in. I feel so disociated - not upset or deppressed or even bored but I just feel not here. I want to have my senses back - all my mates say I should begin feeling like myself again and that it only takes 56 days for weed to leave your system but I feel mentally the same and also emotionally empty - feeling only weak happiness rarely and only sad or laughing but its not truely how I feel because I just dont feel in control. & I DO NOT feel anxiety. please, its been years since I have felt like I am actually here - HELP!!!!!!!!!

I don't understand what is happening?

(I never truly feel happy and I'm 14) Every now and again I start to feel empty, bored, deppressed and that my life sucks i have anxiety and I don't go to school - I go to a progam though for maths and English- I also vist my psychologist every month and my psychiatrist every six weeks, I have no real friends and I seem to fall in love with any boy who talks to me. What should I do to get rid of the feeling I have?


Okay so me and my BFF have been friends since third grade(we're 15 now) and so ever since last summer vacay started, she's been really annoying and kind of immature. SHe calls me CONSTANTLY and thinks that Im on the computer 24/7 just so we cna chat!I'm older than by four months, and she tries to act like she's older and tries to act 'cool' by INSULTING people! It's just that she's gotten on my nerves TOO MUCH lately. I need help, PLZ!!!!! I want to tell her she's annoying me, but she's also oversensitive (a lot of ppl at my school have been thinking about her annoying them, trust me, Im not trying to insult her back). HELP! :(

Saw a used condom in my daughter's room? What to do?

Yesterday our cleaner didn't come so I decided to empty the little bin in my daughters room and I spotted a used condom thrown in it. She's 16 years old, and her boyfriend is 17. They've both been together about 5-6 months now. What do you think I should do & how do you think I should approach her? I'm worried.

How can you tell if a Taurus is BULLsh_tting (empty words) or really mean what they say? IT'S HARD WITH THEM?

Have you ever interacted with a bull, they are charming. How can you tell if they are sincere? help

How expensive is it going to be for me to open up a restruant?

I am thinking about starting a restruant called Big B's. I am thinking about it and i need peoples oppionons and advice on hidden costs of opening such a place, i know of a place thats an empty building that was a blockbuster in its previous life... I was thinking the cost of cable tv's for tv's, the cost of the tv's, the cost of employees, food, soap, supplies, lights, music, chairs, tables (intial startup costs) and soda, heat, air conditioning, secuirty, glass, untensils, uniforms, patents, phone bills, computors, etc... I am so phyced and happy about this and i really want to bring it into reality but the more i think about it the more costs start adding up, and i have no reputation and i need to fiqiure out so many more things before i can bring this to life, how do i get money after paying for all this? What am i left with? I realize now just how incredibly expensive running a store or restruant is! BEsides insurance which is expensive!!!!!!!!! Please no hurtful or MEAN comments! Thank you!

Whole Grains are Bad For you? I read this just today?

All grains are different, but the main thing in grains are fiber and the B-Vitamins. So essentially, all whole grains are are Empty Calories. You can get plenty of fiber and nutrients from other sources. I also read that eating whole grains is bad for your teeth, joints, can cause inflamation, it's bad for your gut, even though it's complex carbs it's still processed as sugar. So I just want your opinions on the matter

Did the PS3 erased my flashdrives memory?

I put my flash drive into the ps3 (slim) to put some music on. Then I took it out to modify the way the PS3 recognizes the music files on my PC, but when I put them on my PC, ALL my files were gone. It says that the file is empty, but it still shows that I have used space on the flash drive. I have windows 7, my flash was fine the whole day and I did take it out properly before putting it onto my PS3. Is there a way to get my files back or a reason why this happened. My PS3 is fairly new as well, I got it just the other day!

How many hours should a high school senior work?

If you decide to go into the DECA program, you attend school for half a day and work for half a day, so that would give you 20 hours a week plus you can work on your own time for another 20 and get a full 40 hours a week if you can fit that into your schedule, but consider what you want to do and don't neglect a good education. Good luck.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please give me your honest opinion of my writing.?

I like it, but i kinda feel like, some of your words aren't really coming from you, but a robot, or dictionary. But its really good :) keep up the good work :)

I want to work in a hospital but don't know what career path?

I have a business mgmt associate degree and from what I heard I can't do anything with that in a hospital setting. (Please tell me if im wrong). I looked into CNA,HHA,LPN. I did my research. I dont like to give blood or do shots. I originally thought of xray tech but with my schedule i cant go to school m-f 9-5. Please any advice.

High pulse rate, low body temperature?

Yes you were in danger! Anybody can tell you that, just the fact that it freaked you out should be enough. You could have overdosed or you smoked so much that your body couldn't handle it. Also, if you've been smoking pot for a while it must have done some serious damage to your nervous system.

How can I make this paragraph better?

Honestly I thought the paragraph was good, it had many details and kept on making me think who she is. When I read the last sentence I want to read more immediately so you caught your audiences attention (well mine at least) Well Done!

First period tampon question?

i am 14 and just got my first period yrday. i am on birth control (DONT ASK WHY A 14 YR OLD IS ON BC!!!) so itll be regular. my next period will be during camp :P so i should learn to use tampons so i cna go swimming. my period i cant tell if its light or regular. there is most of the blood stuck between my legs so not too much on my pad. anyway i wanna use tampons but all i have are regulars. will this be ok? and i have fingered myself efore and it goes down and is mushy before going up. is this ok? thx! :) btw i hate pads!!! :p

When is it time to walk away?

So my husband and I have been together for 9 years and have 2 children. The last few years have been tuff on the both of us, lots of ups and downs, but we've managed. Recently I've strongly been considering throwing in the towel. We argue daily about little stupid things and also bigger more important issues. But the point is we argue every day! He says every time I talk to him I am attacking him, even when I approach the situation as carefully as possible. He has no compassion at all, he'll watch me crying literally begging him to show me more love, and he'll laugh and walk away. He has admitted to refusing to listen to me, he just doesn't care about what I have to say! I feel that we should shair our issues and concerns with each other, that openness is a Crucial necessity in any marriage, but unfortunately he does not agree. I feel hopeless at this point. I feel so empty, alone, and unheard that I could jump off a bridge (not literally) I just dint know what should be my next step. . .Should I continue trying to fix this on my own or should I just suck it up and flush the past 9 years down the toilet? Can I take anymore of this? I just dont know. . . . .A little help, please and thank you

Strange Situation in Hallway at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.

Old people! or young: Did your brown bag lunch ever break while trudging off to school?

Lol I've never had to walk more than 100 meters on the one go my whole life (maybe an exaggeration). And we had our meals provided in school, they weren't the stereotypical "crap" meals, these were D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S :D

Am I a jerk for not wanting to talk to my mother?

i dont blame you for not wanting to talk to her. but i say eventually you will have to confront her when you are a little older. take some time to let her realize that she ruined her chances to see you become a woman. she might even come to you.

Where can I find CNA training classes?

I live in saint Louis MO Im looking for training but not at technical schools, just nursing homes and hospitals. Anywhere in MO

Should I be worried about having a blood clot?

Well when I woke up at about 6 this morning I had a really painful sharp pain under my left breast like in the top of my ribs. It hurt when I moved and inhaled. I went to the hospital and they said it sounded like a possible blood clot so they did an EKG on me and it was normal. Then they wanted to draw blood to check for a blood clot but I refused cause im terrified of bad news. I have also been extremely and oddly gassy today, and since the pain went away while I was in the hospital I assumed it was caused by gas. My question is, if I did have a blood clot would I be feeling the affects? My friend thats a CNA said that if I did have a blood clot my blood pressure would be high and I'd be feeling ill. But besides the constant gas, I feel fine. Should I be worried?

Can you please critique my writing?

You need to make your sentences longer. And stop using 'I'. So what if she's a mentally ill child? Do they have to use the word 'I' a thousand times a day? It's a bad style. If it doesn't work in first person, change it to third.

What do you think of my story? And what should it be called?

Tell your friend that it's really good :) I love it. Your friend has an excellent writing style and I really enjoyed reading this.

Cna 13 year olds work at ssociated content?

Im interested to know if 13 year olds can use Associated Content. I know you have to be 18, but is that just because you get a pay pal then? Many have said you can work as long as you link a paypal account to someone olders. Please Respond...;.thanks!

Ser and estar pesado?

i think people who correct me about la caja es pesada are incorrect, its la caja esta pesada, for example la caja esta vacia means the box is empty, so you people are probably not native spanish speakers, just wanna bes

Kindle account question?

i got a kindle on wednesday and i''ve subscribed to a blog that's turned out to be crap and i want to un-subscribe. I've gone to my account on amazon to unsubsribe but have found it empty. its not even registered the books i've brought already. How do I update my amazon account so it lists al the content so I can unsubscribe before the free 14 day trial is up.

Have just been dumped. am tired of relationships?

that excuse about grades was silly, to say the least. He said you hurted him few times, is that it? Is that the only reason he dumped you. I have a feeling he just wanted to get away from you, may be to somebody else. Dont feel bad about it. If you know that you didnt actually ruin the relationship, then its him whos on fault, not you

Crazy dream about rape?

ok. you are in the stage of peer pressure about sex. You want to try it but yet still fear of the unknown. The girl means your dark secrets in life. m

Strange smell in my bedroom?

I decorated my room about 2 months ago and i have also put a new radiator in and recently i can smell this strange smell i don't no what it smells of i fort it might of been the paint but it was a whole 2 months before the smell has come. Nothing changed in the bedroom it has been empty since i decorated. It has been hot were i live for about 2 weeks but the smell has only been there for about 3 days so what could it be?

Why wont a login bar show up on internet explorer?

Im trying to get to the "account recovery" page on runescape but the bar that you put the information in isn't showing up. its just a empty outlined box with an "x" in the top left corner. Please help

CNA Certificate??????

I think that you mean CNA. You can get more information here: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Gas leak, 1996 dodge neon?

1996 Dodge Neon. steady gas leak, basically emptying most of the tank in a few hours. The car wasn't used for about a year. We put about 5 gallons in an empty tank, and before I finished cleaning the windshield with the squeegee I noticed significant leaking around the center of the car. possibly closer to the back. Previous owners were doing minor work to the car. I'm wondering if they installed something incorrectly?? Could it be something as easy as a fuel filter?? *hoping* I just want to know some of the possible causes of this, and how difficult it might be to repair.

I'm a health science major now and eventually want to be a PA, but what can I do before entering PA school?

I'm a health science major now, and am entering my second year this Fall, and afterwards I am wanting to go get my Master's and become a physician's assistant. I don't know though if I want to go straight to get my Master's or take a year or two off to work some before going back to school. The only thing is, if I did take a year off in-between, what would i do for a job? Since, health sciences is a pre-professional major and then in addition to that I am minoring in biology and business management. After graduating with that major and two minors what job could I temporarily get? Or would I have to get some kind of certification, like a CNA, in order to have any work in the field.

Are these good underwear for a 7th grader boy? Witch one?

My boyfriend wear underwear like that. Not me! I don't care for it but he do. It does be tight on him though and i love men in tight underwear where everything is showing and bulging out. I wear all kinds of underwear in all styles. You like them? Wear them and enjoy! They cool...just not for me!

My boyfriend broke up with me. I want to die.? im here if you need someone to talk to Ive been through a pretty similar situation

Can I bring an empty zippo lighter into Australia?

I'm going to Bali in a couple of days and I want to bring back a zippo lighter. Firstly, how will I know if it's empty and if it's full, how can i empty it? And Secondly, can I bring it into Australia?

I want to change jobs...any advice?

I am going into the medical field as a CNA. Is there anywhere else to start, like in other positions or not. I don't mind starting from the bottom but the money has got to be there. I don't like my job now and I want something that is going to be rewarding and worth my time.

I think my computer recently got hacked help!?

You may be contacted by the hackers to pay a ransom for your files but I wouldn't count on it. Definitely stop booting from the hard drive! I would get a copy of one of the Linux distros on live cd (Knoppix would work) and try to recover files that way. Foremost and magicrescue are the tools on the disc that will help you recover deleted files.

Would anyone critique my poem..?

I enjoyed your poem and am no expert, but I will give my opinion. I prefer rhyming poems, but as for this free verse one , I believe it was well written. Though if you practiced a bit more with syntax, I think you would make a great short story writer. Your poem was lengthy, but as for me I prefer it. I would like to see you post more poems :) If you are trying for publicity though, you may want to write more on topics that relate better to people, this poem (again I AM NOT AN EXPERT) seems to only relate to a selected group of readers. But I did enjoy this poem, and I give you my best wishes on your poetry, defiantly do not stop writing!! ~Violet

Drug testing question?

i was wondering how most hospitals/nursing homes test nursing staff for drug usage, i have a cna friend who apparently was never even tested and they only test if something suspicious is happening. fyi i dont do drugs, but i have in the past toked on kush, like most have, i do it very rarely like once or twice every 6 months to a year. so im not worried about a urine test, but im worried it will be detected in my hair...last time i did it was about 2 months ago. does anyone know how hospitals/nursing homes test their staff ?(which method) and how far back hair is?? thanks!

MEN ONLY PLEASE! Boyfriend stopped talking to me as much?

somethings dying in your realtionship. you need to fix that fast or you have 5 months before he dumps you. it happened to me

Why does this hurt so much?

Falling for someone that you've not had a relationship with means you've fallen in love with the "idea" or "potential" of being with him. You have to respect that he has his own demons that he's dealing with and ideally God would ask that you pray for him and that he works out whatever it is that plagues him. Realize that your future and relationships are not yours to control, instead ask God to help you focus on putting your relationship with God first and ACCEPTING whatever it is that God has planned for you. Realize your role may have been just to inspire this person to overcome their fears, not necessarily to be his girlfriend. You can't FIX anyone and you'll sacrifice yourself and your beliefs if you become co-dependent on his actions/feelings. Realize you have all you need right here right now and stop seeking more fulfillment, especially from another person. When you find the right person you won't be agonizing for them to return feelings because they will be strong in their convictions and strong in their self confidence and who they are.

Is it okay for a writer to write two different types of books?

definately! You are creating, iventing if you will experiment do your own thing, you don't have to be consistant be different change it up, surprise people with your writing, writing is like painting and if you stick to one gener that is kinda like sticking to one color in a painting!

Can someone tell me about tramadol?

I had my gallbladder removed and im backk to wrk(cna).ive been hurting a lil and I cnt take my other pain pills while at wrk cause it make me sleepy....and im stilll feeling pain after 4wks of my surgery, so he gave me tramadol for pain......can someone tell,me more about it, that has taking it or heard about it? Does it make yu sleepy? And what are some side affects?......

What is your opinion on my poem?

It is always better (way better) when the stanzas rhyme verse by verse. I didn't like how the fourth stanza ended (or how it is structured). Most of it, though, is really good.

How's the start of my novel?

Honestly, I'm really sorry, but I didn't read it because I was reading the stuff you wrote afterward. But, good for you! I think it's great that you're getting published. I'm actually only 13 and I've been writing many novels since I was very little, but i haven't sent them to anyone yet. How did you do it, btw? I would just go crazy if I could get published! Keep up the good work writing! XD

How do I cope with the loss of my fiance?

I am 2 years old and was engaged to the most beautiful perfect man. We dated all through high school. He was my high school sweetheart. But he was 2 years older then me. So we continued to date after he graduated. But, a year after he graduated he joined the marines. And...died. It's only been a few months and I don't know what to do. He proposed to me 3 weeks before he died. We we're supposed to be forever. We already acted like a married couple. I was pregnant with his child when I was 17 but lost the baby, so we were planning on having another one later when he discharged cause he really wanted to start a family with me. How do I get better? I see him everywhere, in my dreams. I'm so withdrawn. I can't breathe. Everything that was once so simple like eating, sleeping, breathing, bathing are now a chore for me. I feel like my heart has died too. My family and friends are worried about me, I can tell when they see me. I have shut down completely. I can't take it. Life is so worthless without him. And I've tried my best to be happy. But I don't want to be happy without him. I want him here, happy with me. He always smiled when I couldn't. Always made me laugh when everything was too much. He kissed me and I felt those fireworks. Everything just clicked in place with me and him. I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want anyone else. He was the one, so now I'm terrified of my future. So much love gone...forever. It's even impossible to listen to music, without breaking down whenever a song he used to like comes on. I took time off from college to grieve and I've been going to counseling but it hurts so bad!!! I go to bed crying every night, and when I'm not crying I feel empty and dead inside. I'm afraid to sleep cause I dream about him. I hate being awake cause he's always on my mind and what could've been. I'm so young, so this is impacting me ten times more I know...but...I will never love someone as much as I loved him. He was my first love and I loved only him for so many years. A week or two ago my best friend thought I was okay with trying to date again, though I said I wasn't, but did it anyway to make her happy. I went out with him and when he kissed me half way through the date I broke down. Right in front of him. Because he didn't taste like my fiance did. Didn't smell like him. When his hands touched me I felt sick. My dates eyes were blue and my fiances eyes were a deep brown. Nothing about my date was like my fiance and I felt sick. My date was a super sweet man but...I just can't. What do I have to do in order to get better? Or at least get free from feeling like I want to shoot my brains out? Time I know helps but it's been nearly a year. How much time does it take to heal? I feel like I'm going to be always broken and always in love with him.... Advice.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What psychological condition is this?

my entire body feels numb at a certain point, I stop doing productive things in the middle of the day and just stare into empty space, internalized rage, boredom of even the most interesting things.

Any Sci Fi book suggestions?

"the red planet" is a good and not too long book about the colonization of mars. if you want to have a book that takes long to read, i would suggest you to read "Hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy"

My fish's tail is damaged and it always floats to the top...?

Earlier this week, my sister's coworker moved and didn't want to take her 20 gallon fish tank with her, so I took it. There is an angelfish in there whose fins got tattered in the move, but it seems comfortable enough. The tank was pretty empty, so I moved my 7 danios into it. After a few days, the fish seem to be getting along just fine, but I've just noticed that one of the danio's tails is damaged, and it seems to involuntarily float upwards. It also tends to drift, still involuntarily, towards the filter, at which point it gets scared and rushes away to the bottom, and the cycle repeats. Eventually, it finds its way to the far corner and just sits there until something spooks it. A few things worry me- why is it floating? What can I do about it? I've put a small mesh thing in for raising fries that I got when one of the danios laid eggs (none of the males were mature enough to fertilize them, though) that it could swim into, but I didn't want to force it to stay in such a small space. I've also added lots of plants for cover, but it keeps floating, so it can't hide in them. Perhaps more importantly, why did this happen? Did its tail get torn because of the move? It isn't the smallest of the danios and it is only slightly smaller than the fish that were in the tank before. The angelfish is still only about three inches long. I thought it would be safe, but maybe it isn't? Should I move the danios back to their 10 gallon tank?

How can I make this intro better?

Change 'then' to 'than' in the 9th line. The "I really should have gotten a better sleep for my calculus exam" kind of interrupts the suspence of finding out what happened to her mother. That's my opinion, though. Also, are you describing the table as a 'cracked island'? Maybe try something else in place of that, like 'cracked oak'. Or whatever you want to do. The part when the mom goes into the house and making loud noice in the kitchen, where it says: "this whole situation has erupted into something much more serious than I would have ever imagined", I didn't understand what you meant. I thought at first that it was an fight between both parents. Maybe you could say 'my mother's drinking problem' to make it more clear. I hope this helps!

Honeymoon in Japan, Suggestion?

My fiance are getting married at the end of July then we're headed to Japan for a week for our Honeymoon (August 1st though 8th). We didnt want the typical lay on the beach honeymoon. But we do want it to be honeymoonish and not like trudging around temples and such. So what do u suggest for our perfect honeymoon? Were planning this now, we just bought the plane tickets a month ago but no hotel etc yet because we are busy with the wedding and we wnt to hear ur opinions first!

How does this poem resemble life?

Life isnt like one big straight road it has bumps and curves... Life never was or never will be easy

Had someone push me against a wall and threaten me can I have her arrested for assullt?

While working as a cna in a nursing home a resident family member grabbed me and threaten to punch me leaving burseson me I feel they should be arrested for assult but have been told it her right because she is looking out for her husband even though I wasn not dealing with him at the time but taking care of his roomate

Is draining water into another person's yard illegal?

It is illegal and no you do not need no trespassing signs, but it helps, even with the signs the first time an officer would have you to issue a verbal no trespassing order before they would actually write a ticket, If you have a camcorder set it up anytime you are going to be gone from home and catch them doing it then you have a strong case.}{

Help again Cna Background check?

I was arrested for battery with domestic violence my mom had said i threw my cell phone at her... Charges were never pressed i never was convicted only arrested.. I have 6 months till i ship to basic Training at Ft jackson and to kill time i was taking a cna class im worried about the background check coming up and not being able to be licensed. can anyone let me know what the disqualifications are ? and if there is any way around it.. The ARMY pr emitted me to enlist with only a phone interview, but im assuming the florida state nursing board will not be as easy. thanks in advance for an help given :-)

Mancin article about contract?

a href=",,12306~2385642,00.html" rel="nofollow"…/a he said this about Italy "In Italy, the stadiums are empty and this makes me very sad." i'm still laughing cause i can imagine him saying that

How's the start of my novel?

It is a very good start. It is nice to hear a happy one for a change.The only thing I would say is you do not need to describe every little detail, it just confuses the reader. I liked the fact that you did not know all about the two characters but you have given away just the right annount of information. However try not too say so much about the eyes of the character. If you see somebody in real life, the eyes are not the most notable part of them. All in all very good, especially for your age!

Will you please read my poem and critique?

So what are you asking for? The theme of Holocaust is pretty obvious. How do you want us to critque it. What type of criticism do want us to use?

Why did the state of Pennsylvania sign yet another unemployment extension?

We have a population in this state of over 12,000,000, and only about 45,000 would be losing their benefits. Why should those of us working, continue to pay the lazy people who refuse to find work? There are plenty of jobs out there, with truck driving and CNA jobs a plenty. Neither of these type of jobs require more than 5 weeks of special schooling, and with Obama increasing pell grants for single parents, it would practically be free training, if you couldn't sucker an employer to pay for your training (all nursing homes pay for CNA training, if you have a decent resume, as required by law). So, with so many posted jobs on and ads in the newspaper, why is an unemployment extension needed in Pennsylvania?

What does my dream mean? I run a young woman over with my car, after I thought she would move out of the way?

The fact that the woman is your age, means she represents an aspect of yourself. The car represents your life. You are the driver, therefore, you are in charge of your life. The road is narrow means the path you're traveling in your real life is also narrow. But as the dream shows, it is too narrow, and you have killed off an aspect of yourself.

Can someone please explain the meaning of "above her head the feet of the typists" from the follwing lines?

I am reading a story by Graham Greene (1904).But I am struggling with these lines" She watched him with a joyless passionate glitter and above her head the feet of the typists trudged back to the Victoria offices after the lunch interval".

Hi kind people! Advice for my story please?

That was pretty good, my only advice is you started too many sentences with repetitive words, like "I" and "The".

What do i need to install this graphics card?

i have a radeon 6970 i want to install a second one to run dual what do i need to do this. cna you guys send me links to the items i would need please?

How's the start of my novel?

For an eleven year old it is utterly brilliant, however there are a few grammatical anomalies here and there. I'm on my iPod so I can't highlight them to point them out. I would also venture that it is too short to be a complete chapter and thus far moves a little too slowly. It's well written but lacking hooks to pull your audience in. Mind you, this is only my opinion. I've been writing since your age but I've lost interest in novels and have focused on poetry for years. I would love to get back in to it, but I fear rejection you see. Well done for being braver than I am.

PLEASE HELP- hickies where to do them!?

ok so soon my boyfriend is going to give me a hickey but where cna he do it on me other than the neck as if my mum or dad sees well its not good to say the least so please please please help!

My crush/best friend died?

I am so sorry for your loss. Cry it out , It'll take some time to come to terms.If you are 13 , you should talk it out to your parents or someone who's close to you.

Phlebotomy tech or CNA for PA program experience?

Most of the nation's PA programs require at least 2,000 hours of paid clinical experience with direct patient care. I wonder, based on the daily tasks of a CNA and phlebotomy technician, if it matters which one I choose to fulfill the PA program prerequisite?

How is my essay so far? what can i add or improve?

I like it. for improvements i would add citations and integration to avoid plagiarism and try to write from the omniscient point of view. using i and me is informal

Where do i like to see if my cna licens is good?

you can look up your cna license in the state your in, department of education website or your state department of health website

Please help on chosing a career. h/vac..cna nurse? im trying to do something fast and good pay.?

im 21 and i have two young kids. single and really trying to do a fast career but that will pay me good. what pays better h/vac or cna nurse? right now i have the help to be able to study a fast course. but i dont know what will get payed more.. i live in houston texas. if anyone knows please let me know. i need to do this for my kids.

Birthday gift for a 23 year old guitar player?

Maybe a complete season of one of those shows on DVD, concert tickets, a night out to a bar and grill, or get a bunch of his friends together at someone's house or a lake for some drinks and music

Problem at work with assignments?

i am a certified nurse assisstant at a nursing home, and everyday 3 cna,s are assigned rooms by the nurse. i have the same section, there are 3, and it has gotten easier because some of the resisdents don,t require much care. ..the last day i worked,, the nurse now has assigned me 14 resisents because its easier in my section, and the other 2 cna,s have 11.....i don,t think this is right, and am fairly angry about this.. the nurse did this partially because one of the cna,s have been complaining that i have the easier section...when i first started there about 1 yr ago, i had at one time 17, and the other 2 sections had 13, and its was a lot harder in mine..and no one complained then......i sort of hinted to the nurse a couple of times that i should not have had the one extra room and she took it away from me,,,,1 less resisdent, and she seemed irratated by it....i feel like going above my nurse to the director of nursing and complain.....what are your thoughts on this..thanks ron

Dual boot windows 7 and server 2008?

I have a laptop that has windows 7 home prem installed on it. I have a single hard drive with 2 logical partitions c and d. I have windows 7 on c.And d is empty for data. I want to install server 2008 on data d patition. How can I do it? Can I use the boot to vhd for installing server 2008 on data d:here or, does having windows 7 home premium is problem here? because win 7 home pre does not support virtualization.What are my options? If i have just option of making it dual boot the old way,will it work? Has anyone please tried it first installed windows 7 and want to dual boot it installing server 2008

Cna 13 year olds work at ssociated content?

Im interested to know if 13 year olds can use Associated Content. I know you have to be 18, but is that just because you get a pay pal then? Many have said you can work as long as you link a paypal account to someone olders. Please Respond...;.thanks!

I'm feelin' really down right now, PLEASE help?

damn. that sucks bro i would say to tell her how you feel but you said shes dating your friend? so yea remember bros before hoes lol. but yea honestly you probably took to long to make a move.. ive had this happen to me several times and you end up becoming the girls "best friend" just someone who she can talk to and thats all. or maybe she does like you more than just a friend but its difficult for her because shes dating your friend. and i dont know what you mean by leading you on? like just messing with you or what? and honestly your a senior your about to graduate i would say confront her and tell her how you feel. let her know that you still feel how you felt when you 2 first started talking

I feel so empty because of him.?

This guy use to talk to me, and now I don't even see him, I liked him for a year, from year 10 to currently 11. He stopped talking to me, he has a girlfriend. We use to be prettty good friends, and I really like him so much. But I think I'm at the point where I know I shouldn't bother anymore thinking dreaming and all that **** cause I know I can't have him. Even though I want him so bad it's crazy. I just feel invisible now she's in his life. Like I know I was never his, and he was never mine. But. Still. I feel so empty like I have nothing to look forward to at school or whenever I know I'm going to see him. I just. I'm crazy over him. And the more I feel it, the more it kills me. I just want him really bad. I just wish there was a way for him to like me or atleast show interest? And I don't want to get in the way of their relationship. Cause I'm not A selfish *****. But. That doesn't change the fact that i want him. Everybody gets their fairytail ending or it ends up working out for them. But. I just hate myself for not being pretty enough or good enough. Ive tried my hardest to get over him, and it's like everythings standing in the way. I've deleted him off facebook, my contacts in my phone. But I still manage to see him every where on facebook cause I'm friends with his girlfriend. An if I deleted her it would be so obvious. Please help?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I need help forgetting about my ex plz help.?

ok well my ex boyfriend and i recently broke up (he's choice) im deeply in-love with him,we were together for a year and 3 months,we had broken up for a month not so long ago but he asked me back out bcuz he found out i was talking to someone else,its very hard for me to get over him and not think about him when he's been the only man in my life that has taken me serious and been with me through my hard times since my dad past away,he's 22 and im 20,he has daughter with another girl and that would be one big problem when he had to see her bcuz im a jealous girl,he had asked me to move in with him but i said i wasn't ready due to the fact i really wanted to fix all the problems we had,we used to work together but he recently transferred to another restaurant(before we broke up),now im really hurt bcuz i was so used to him,now he doesn't answer my calls,my txt...i just want to know he's okay bcuz i still love him...i don't want to forget about him by talking to another guy,if i were to be with him again i would do things differently i would trust him more,he has been a huge part of my life and now it feels like my life has no meaning(pretty dumb i know)but that's hows i feel,i miss him so much,i don't want to bug him so i just want to get away and not think about him,but its impossible when all i do is think about him.he was and is a great guy and a father,i have annappointmentt to talk to asurginge in a week he asked me to not stop talking to him and keep him updated with that but idon'tt think i should bcuz hehasn'tt even bothered to txt or call me at all,so why should i bother him with that,we had so many plans for our future together and now there all gone i feel like to him they were all empty promises..plz help me and tell me what i could do..

Where to do hickies other than neck?

please help my boyfriend is soon going to give me a hickey but our parents musnt know so where cna we do it other than the neck all help appreciated

How to move out of state when I'm 18, on my own?

I'm 17 and currently going to college. In Decemeber I will turn 18 and get my CNA, but I really want to move to Seattle to go to college because it has always been my dream and I HATE living in Florida. My grant pays for all my tuition and books and even leaves me a small amount of money left over (like $300), my only concern is out of state tution and how I'd have to wait a year before I can become a state resident therefor it would be a year I'd have to take off college and just work. I was looking to have some advice or options? How hard is it to find a roomate? What sort of goverment help can I get in order to get on my feet? Could I get food stamps? Thanks!

What do you think of my poem called 'onedeep'?

This poem is amazing to say the least.. Very deep and well-written. That's exactly how I feel every day of my life.

Help comet goldfihs help!?

Be patient it will grow if taken care of properly. 20% water changes weekly and do not overfeed. The proof will present itself in a few months.

Advice on becoming a CNA?

I’m considering dropping out of college. I keep failing Anatomy and obviously I can’t get accepted into the nursing program without it. However, I feel if I can’t even do basic Anatomy I sure can’t do a thing the nursing program would require. I have my CNA and I’m wondering what life would be like if I just made a career of that. Is it really as bad as people say it is? Is the money worth all the butt wiping?

When is the best day of the week to visit Six Flags Magic Mountain this summer?

I am planning to go this upcoming Tuesday, but I want to make sure if there will be large crowds or if the park will be nearly empty. I'm sure with the opening of Green Lantern it may be crowded, but I'm hoping for less waits and more rides.


STNA is also known as CNA or NURSING ASSISTANT. I want to become a CNA? but I need to find locations in Dayton Ohio. i will aprecciate it!! if you would write the prices and info. like the locations thank you!!!

What do you do when you're sad or depressed?

i play with my little sister. her cuteness always cheers me right up. you should find someone you really like and spend some quality time with them, that should help you break your frown. :)

What should I do next after applying?

Monday was too soon to get back to you have email contacts for any/all of the places you applied to ?? If so, then send an email and if not, then wait until next week to call and see if you are still a candidate

What are Different types of Health Certifications that can be completed in less than 2 months?

I am Currently a Human Services major but would like to take a certification class in the health are field over the summer. I dont really know whats out there I'm currently looking into becoming a CNA but would like to know what other options there are. Please tell me what programs are out there that i can finish by the end of the summer. Thank you

How do I COMPLETELY delete browsing history from my Address Bar?

Thats really odd... I wouldn't even use IE it sucks, its an unsafe browser... try downloading mozilla firefox or Opera OR Google Chrome to see if its still having this problem... I also recommend using one of those just cause their actually faster and better... and more user friendly...

Law Codes Anyone Well California?

It's basically lawyer-talk for theft. Taking property without permission, and possibly through violent means such as using a weapon to coerce the other person to submit.

Im looking for a puppy???

Have a look in your local dog kennels or online at dog homes, there are hundreds of puppy's in there now a days, it is a shame really, i dont think you have to pay either i think its just a donation to say thanks in a way for looking after the pup and to help the other puppy's. Hope you find a puppy and give it a great home that it deserves :)

How hard are CNA classes and what do they consist of?

I know you have clinicals and learn to take vitals. But can anybody give me a detailed insight as to what material I'll be learning? And how hard are they?

What do you think of my lyrics?

i would say change the title. I would suggest "The Rapture's Coming" or something like that it just looks cleaner

Who was the killer in this story?

i think she has a split personality, she thought she saw the killer out a window, but then she was told they were mirrors and she was seeing herself, shes a freak

CNA and joining the military?

I was considering joining the military. I've recently completed a nursing assistant certified class and I'm just waiting to take the test. I'm working under a NAR license till then. Anyway I was wondering if having that would get me a better job in the military or if it wouldn't even matter that I had it.

What do you think of my story? And what should it be called?

Tell your friend that it's really good :) I love it. Your friend has an excellent writing style and I really enjoyed reading this.

Do u think she likes me or she just wants to be friends? please please help?

Im 23 and she is 22. I am studying to become a dentist and she is studying to be a CNA (just wanted to throw it out there that were not some kids) I met her on Facebook through a friend ( kind of cheesy way to meet) but we chatted couple of times and then I went to meet her up in person at her dads pizza place (she works there) she made me hecka food and insisted that I not pay. Then while work was slow there we talked for a good 2 hours and our conversation was amazing...its like we clicked right away. Then 2 weeks later I asked jer to have coffee with me and again we met and chatted for 3 hours without realizing how fast time flew. That's when I got her number so we text each other in the evening when were not busy. We have good conversations and I am starting to really like this girl but im not sure how I can tell if she is interested....I mean I dont want to just ask her cuz that would not be smooth. Do u think texting till 2am is kinda of a sign? And yesterday I went to a wedding of a friend me and her know coincidentally and she asked me if I could save her a seat next to me because she doesn't know many people there. So I did and we had a great time

Nursing career??????

Im going to college right now to be a nurse(rn) I love everything about the job! I was a Cna during high school so I have a little idea! Im just confused about the whole death thing, it's going to absolutely break my heart everytime someone passes away! My question is how do I deal with that?

What do you think of my story?

...I am at a loss for words. My mouth is spellbound. It cannot open because I know, for the reason of you writing this piece, nothing I say will be as vividly described nor interesting and 'reader-grabbing' as this worded art. Keep it up! If I were a publisher, I'd tell my senior officer to really consider this. Fingers crossed!

Is 68w a good job for a female in the army?

I told my recruiter my goal was to become a nurse one day and he suggested for me to be a 68w. Right now I am a CNA but would like to get my RN degree. What is a good medical MOS besides 68w because I been hearing a 68w was basically a CNA and I really dont want to be changing bed pans for the next 4 years, thats why I wanna join cuz I dont like being a CNA now.

Bmw 316ti overheating?

put a new thremostat back in. did you back flush system (radiator and engine and heater) top get rid of the scale and hard water that is usually caked on? if not drain the system by switching the heater to hot and recurculate then drain all the water and jam the hose in the top and block off out lets till clear water shows then reconnect everything with a new thermostat and gaskets. dont forget anti freeze.

Can anybody answer the following Chemistry problem?

D. The volume of the sphere is 65.450 cm^3 (V=4/3pi*r^3). It displaces, when fully submerged, a mass of 65.45 cm^3*0.879 g/ cm^3 = 57.530 g of benzene. This is equal to the 12 g mass of the vessel plus 45.530 g of water. Divide by the density of water of 1 g/cm^3, we have 45.530 cm^3 , and since one cm^3 = 1 mL, the correct answer is D. That would be the correct answer even after including the mass of the air filling the rest of the vessel, assuming that's what's in with the water.

What do you think of this part of my story?

I think this can be a good, book, it just needs some work. I had a lot of questions at the end of the passage such as: What was the "Rising"? Why is the "struggle" unwinnable? And where does the main character live? These are all questions that I think would totally make the story better, and help the reader understand and relate to the main character. But, aside from that, this story is really good! Happy writing!!! :D

Monday, August 8, 2011

Please help me... i feel like dying?

I think i have depression, my daily mood so low, suicidal feelings, lost most of my appetite, talk less, feeling hope less and empty, i have very strong suicide feeling some of the days and my neighbors making noise every midnight and wont stop no matter what i do and i cant sleep. please help me out i don't wanna die but sometime i don't afraid to die, will i commit suicide any time soon, please answer my honestly...

How is my story so far?

I love it!! please publish it and tell me what the title would be if you did! i really want to read this book! great job!!!! (:(:

How come i cant break out of this depression.....?

I know i should be happy because im pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy, babys father walked out on me almost 4 weeks ago and ever sense i cant smile or even think about being happy i feel alone and empty...almost like im alive but not living people r judging me and talking about me now like saying im need to suck it up and stuff i dont need to hear that from anyone unless they have been in my position how can they say anything?...i just dont know what too do,how could he just leave me with his child goes to show how things are these days.

What if I didn't fight my fears?

Some fears are best left as fears. An octopus and a squid can kill you, and mold on food can make you quite sick - black mold can kill. I would keep these fears for your own well-being.

Does anybody know anything about workers compensation??I need help learning more about this?

My boyfriendis a cna and got into an accident almost a year ago at his job with a patient. The patient was fighting with him and he ended up tearing his acl? i think thats what its called. its something in the knee and never heals back to normal. but its been so bad these last few months he sometimes cant walk and he cant get the jobs he needs to get to support us and our unborn baby. He could get surgery to make his knee much better then it is now but we literally have no money. Can anybody tell me how workers compensation works? What exactly do i need to do to get it? Who exactly do i need to call what do i need to ask? And how much is it going to cost to get somone to help us? Do we need a lawyer or someone if so how much will that cost? Any websites to help me learn more?

Good colleges for nursing in NC or close by?

I'm a rising junior and i know that i want to be a nurse when i graduate high school. I will be a CNA when i graduate but i need an idea of what colleges to look at.

Does it really matter?

Once we trudge through all of the BS at any given time, other than political affiliation, does it REALLY matter if it's a democrat or republican on Capital Hill?

REALLY nervous about having a newborn and 20 month old!! Tips/Advice?

I found it easiest to use a sling or carrier for most of the day, so I could be active with the older child and always have the baby close and happy. The baby just "went along for the ride" so to speak, with the older one(s).

Facebook problem ! please help?

for the last like two or three days, the facebook home page and when i sign in , it looks completely messed up. everything just looks completely off, and you cna barely see anything because all the words and pictures are over eachother. any tips on how to fix it ? and all other websites are working fine.

My 2002 nissan altima 2.5s does not go into reverse...?

While i was on the high way my car turned off. I checked the trans oil and motor oil but it was empty, however the interesting part was that about 3 weeks ago both tanks were fine. Why is it soaking up the oil so quickly? My car locks back and it only runs well if i continue to refill the trans tank. Then that same day it didn't want to hit reverse. What is happening to my car :(? help!

Am I a jerk for not wanting to talk to my mother?

No i done think you're a jerk. Its your decision whether you want to communicate or not. Although she is your mother, is she helping you or hindering you? It is you life after all.

Does this here interest you at all?

Now that i read that I want to Read more plzzzz give me more im soo interested!!!! it is amazing i love it. PLZZZ give me more!?!?!

I need help. Im writing a biography. And my Introduction to the story isn't captivating enough?

You mean autobiography? It is a good hook, and I agree with the person who said put the last two sentences at the beginning. If you wanted to make it better, just pretend you are writing for a competition.

Whats wrong with her?

I was like that in a lot of ways. She is hiding something. She might have a personality disorder. I am not so sure though you should get her some help on the inside she is a mess, that I know from personal thoughts.

Any criticism for my poem?

You've got a great sense of meter. The modified ballad stanza is an interesting choice and it works very well. "Plastic" as a metaphor is, in my opinion, kind of tired out. It goes back to the '60s, and while those of your generation might not recognize it as a cliche, for anyone over the age of 30 it's a worn out metaphor. Your sense of rhyme is spotty in places. Using "thee" to achieve a rhyme is cheesy. It's not a word in your vernacular, and I don't see anything else in that stanza that suggests an Elizabethan feel. Why put it into a poem? Other stanzas use slant rhyme or assonance: "greed/perceived" "below/beautiful" "hope/wrote" "indeed/deeds" "seas/deep" "charged/regard" in a way that is distracting, and almost comical in places. The development is also hard to follow. You move from men to ships to leaders, then to you yourself. That makes sense. But why broaden it out again to "the plastic queen" and then back to "men" again? The strategy could be clearer. Overall it's a great start.

Do u think she likes me or she just wants to be friends? please please help?

Im 23 and she is 22. I am studying to become a dentist and she is studying to be a CNA (just wanted to throw it out there that were not some kids) I met her on Facebook through a friend ( kind of cheesy way to meet) but we chatted couple of times and then I went to meet her up in person at her dads pizza place (she works there) she made me hecka food and insisted that I not pay. Then while work was slow there we talked for a good 2 hours and our conversation was amazing...its like we clicked right away. Then 2 weeks later I asked jer to have coffee with me and again we met and chatted for 3 hours without realizing how fast time flew. That's when I got her number so we text each other in the evening when were not busy. We have good conversations and I am starting to really like this girl but im not sure how I can tell if she is interested....I mean I dont want to just ask her cuz that would not be smooth. Do u think texting till 2am is kinda of a sign? And yesterday I went to a wedding of a friend me and her know coincidentally and she asked me if I could save her a seat next to me because she doesn't know many people there. So I did and we had a great time

I want to become a CNA but...?

I want to become a certified nurse assistent but I already took a course and I took the test but I failed:/ Umm...Can I retake the test? Do I have to take the course again? Because this happend like 2005-2007. I need to know ASAP! If I were to take the test again where could I get one?

How much do pct/pca/cna make in dallas texas working in a hospital?

Moving from naples fl to dallas texas area would like to know how much cna make in a hospital?? I make 15.67 -17.67 hr in florida.

Disturbing images in my head, am I alone?

Yes i do have depression, but all that aside I keep seeing these images, images of myself being killed. In the worst ways. My dead bloody body filled with insects, a rusty blade thru my empty eye sockets. And far far worse. My life is actually really good right now, but I still see these images in my head, everywhere I look I see a nasty image of myself dead and horribly impaled and distorted in some way. Does this happen with anyone else? I am seeing someone and she can't put her finger on it. If anyone else is going through this let me know. Also please do not judge, this is a SERIOUS problem and I just want it to go away. Thanks for your time.

Scan tomorrow to check if Sac is still empty or ive got a baby - Your thoughts?

i had a similar problem. they thought i was going to miscarry because all they saw was a sac and nothing else, but i was dated farther along then i was. turns out i was a little over a week behind what they said, so everything turned out fine for us. i hope you have the same luck as i did. dating pregnancy isnt an exact science since so many women conceive at different times. last menstrual period is just a basic, general dating usually. good luck at your scan, and hope you see something!

How do i add itunes music to windows movie maker?

okay so i press import audio/music then i go to the itunes folder, click on the singer then the almbum pops up, i click on that but then it says somthing like this folder is empty! HELP ASAP my computer is a dell laptop

Us Americans should truly stop blaming??? Right or Wrong( Read everything before answering)?

We as Americans will hurt ourselves, before Mexicans, or whatever nationality does.America always wants to help everyone, instead of helping the Americans who are poor. Forget liberal, or conservative. Cant you see if we could truly first help ourselves, instead of waiting on every single President. Not blaming Obama, nor the next. Cant people see every President is never truly in charge, it takes votes, do you truly think White Republican Country want to remotely give credit for anything a Black man does. When he was Elected they knew they weren't going to go along with any of his ideas, and us stupid Americans act like the blame is always on one group, or race, or person. we need to stop sitting back waiting for the government to stop, and control everything. We need to stop turning on Mexicans, and Illegals everywhere. This country aint packed their are millions of acres of land with no trees no nothing, and millions of empty homes. So quit blaming illegals, for free benefits, and food stamps. Because when they hear the news all they hear is free, not knowing how bad the economy is. If you truly want o blame people blame the conservatives for saying the Recession is over knowing good and well it wasnt. Because you need Jobs to build an economy back up. And with 17% of America unemployed, educated, non educated, lazy, poor rich, whatever. There are millions, but quit putting blame on things. We as Americans need to act, instead of trying to get a democrat, republican, tea party, whatever in office. We need to get our government out period. Because they are corrupt whether its 2011, or 2000 to 2008, our government is Corrupt.They have always been corrupt.Even with Racism, people dont know it but racism in the black community is as high as it was 50 years ago. The media, evrything is turning the media against everyone. Its about the power behind the "power"(Presidents, Governrs, etc). So dont just blame one President mainly Obama. Because we will see that this economy will be bad before it gets good long after Obama.

Would you be offended?

The only thing that I noticed was the narrators use of the word "savages" to describe the slaves. The Narrator, unless it is a character in the book talking in first person, should be unbiased. It sounds as if the writer herself is calling them savages.

Should I call the employer again after applying?

So on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of last week I applied to twenty or so nursing homes as a CNA. On Monday, I called them up, asking about the status of my application. No one has called back. Should I visit the places in person, or wait?

I have 2 questions about my story. please answer, i havent had many answers for my questions lately?

It is a good idea and would be very readable although you do have some typing errors there. I like the fact that you have chosen an Inuit word for the bear's name as it does show a level of research that many on this site fail to achieve. I suggest you print it off and read it out loud or get someone to read it to you and you will hear the things that need changing. The story so far flows well so keep at it. Good luck with your story.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I am a mental retard when it comes to picking out clothes for myself?

I completely lack of sense of style so usually I'll have my mom or a good friend come with me because they always know what looks good on me.. this is why I leave stores empty-handed like 90% of the time.. Wtf else can I do.. the reason I know I do is because sometimes I'll see something or buy it and my mom will say "eww" so plzz help out a complete and utter retard

How's the start of my novel?

Wow! You're 11? You should be really proud of this; I really liked it and all the descriptions you gave were really vivid and realistic. The only thing I will say is that you should have said "her lips were pursed", not "pursued". I'm sure this was just a typo, though, so don't worry too much. Keep up this standard of writing and you will be famous one day!

Is it worth taking old video games to Game stop or just trash them?

Have bunch of old computer games. Hitman,World of Warcraft, stuff like that. Just wonder if its worth the bother of trudging to Game stop?

I want to change jobs...any advice?

I am going into the medical field as a CNA. Is there anywhere else to start, like in other positions or not. I don't mind starting from the bottom but the money has got to be there. I don't like my job now and I want something that is going to be rewarding and worth my time.

How can i get level 1 seating at Etihad Stadium?

Book tickets earlier in the week or be a b*tch like me and sit at the front even if youre ticket says seat 30-40.

What do you think of my prologue?

I think it is really good! It provides an attention getter and it is mysterious which would make a reader want to read on. The plot is not given straight away and you don't know what is happening which makes it an excellent page turner. And you have the right amount of details. Not to much or to little. Hope I helped.

Names of contact lenses?

Names of contact lenses that i cna search on the internet , for example like, neo angel blue, neo sunflower blue ... Like those ,, NOT BRANDS.

Conversations with people you've just met?

Anyone find all conversations awkward, filled with fake laughs over some bad jokes to trudge along only in courtesy of the other person, in fear of making them feel awkward?

I'm stuck on Spongebob's Big Adventure.Help?

When you're trying to find Patrick's materials to go Jellyfishing,you need an empty glass.I did all the jobs I had.I need "10 dollars" meanwhile I only raised "6 dollars".How to I get the

Unfair treatment in my cna school?

i studied hard to pass my cna class and when we were doing clinical training at a nursing home on the third day i commited a mistake by assisting a resident to the bathroom who was able to walk, i did not know that we were not allowed to do this so when the patients alarm sounded my teacher came to the room and asked what was going on. she said i wasnt supposed to do that. even then the resident was fine. after that i was told that i cant come to class. in short i was taken out and when i begged to be reconsider they told me that i cant be reconsidered. i felt so disappointed caused every single day for 2 months i studied so hard. my grades were above average. i spent a big sum for the enrollment 1500 bucks. is there anybody who i can go to who can help me at least get my money back.

Why do people seem to forget their brains when they get in their car/truck?

Oh my gosh I feel your pain. These same idiots reply when I told them to their face: "Don't be in such a hurry. Enjoy the view." I was like....really? Enjoy the stop light when I could turn right on red? No thanks. I would rather get to where I am going so I can contribute to society rather than piss people off.

What cna i use for a hermit crab shell?

miy hermeit crabs shell is going ot come of soon can i use a beach shell do they sell hermiet crab shells how much are theey $

I live in Philadelphia need help finding a CNA job?

I been looking for a cna job for a while I heard it was easy for a cna to find a job but I had a job as a cna worked in long term care for 6 months n had to relocate now I.m looking for another job cna job does anybody know where they are hiring for a cna job

Bmw 316ti overheating?

put a new thremostat back in. did you back flush system (radiator and engine and heater) top get rid of the scale and hard water that is usually caked on? if not drain the system by switching the heater to hot and recurculate then drain all the water and jam the hose in the top and block off out lets till clear water shows then reconnect everything with a new thermostat and gaskets. dont forget anti freeze.

Any advice for becoming a Vocational Nurse?

Some of us can't get directly into an RN program as we have kids, family, didn't do so well in high school etc. I am getting ready to graduate from an LPN program. Yes LPN's make less than an RN as RN's have a wider scope of practice but LPN is a great way to start out. Many colleges actually have an LPN-RN bridge program that allows you to skip the nursing skills that you already have. Being an LPN also gives you more points on your application to an RN program as a lot of schools operate on the "points system". I wouldn't do the CNA thing because like the PP stated it won't help you with your RN but you could work as an LPN and make a decent living while in school for your RN. An LPN is still a nurse and if nursing is what you want to do then it is a great place to start! If you are able to start directly with RN that would be wonderful! But a lot of RN programs are so competitive and have long wait lists. So it is up to you! But there is nothing wrong with starting as an LPN! Good luck with whatever you decide!!!!!!!

Can someone send me there Certified Nursing Assistant Resume (CNA)?

I need help constructing an effective resume. I've been sending my resumes out but have not been getting a response...I need help...If u can please send me a copy of yours so I can see what I'm doing wrong. Thank you so much. My email is: or you can send it to

How does my story sound so far?

Fix your punctuation. Paragraph better. Formatting is just as important as content. And one last tip: don't use vocabulary that sounds really nice but detracts from the point. Too much is indeed, too much. On the whole, well written. Kudos. I'm thirteen too, so my opinion would be rather important, if I say so myself. Good luck!

Drug testing question, nys?

i was wondering how most hospitals/nursing homes test nursing staff for drug usage, i have a cna friend who apparently was never even tested and they only test if something suspicious is happening. fyi i dont do drugs, but i have in the past toked on kush, like most have, i do it very rarely like once or twice every 6 months to a year. so im not worried about a urine test, but im worried it will be detected in my hair...last time i did it was about 2 months ago. does anyone know how hospitals/nursing homes test their staff ?(which method) and how far back hair is?? thanks!

Should i get a betta fish or should i get a goldfish?

i want to get one fish to prove that i am responsible to have a pet . we had a giant tank that was 40 gallons and we didnt like it so when our fish died we put it in our basement. i want something that i can put on a table in my living room or on my dinner table and wont be too big hope you cna help.

What are the usual feelings like when winter passes to spring and then to summer?

It depends on where you are located, what sort of work you do and how you are coping with day to day problems of life. In many parts of the world nature puts a veil of snow in winter, spring lifts that veil to reveal the beauty of nature that inspire poets and lovers. Passing of winter is not felt mournfully if you are fond of swimming and surfing.

ROP nursing programs in southern california?

San Diego State University’s Nursing Programs s one of great programs. In addition to the more traditional bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in nursing the school also offers several specialized certification programs that enable a student to enter the workforce at a lower level (LPN for instance) to gain crucial work experience while still continuing to study for the higher qualifications that will further advance their career (and their earnings.)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is it best to go to a technical school or through a continuing education program for CNA training?

I've heard that it's best to go to a school rather then one of those private schools that have internet sites that are really cheap but however is it better to go through a technical college or a college with a continuing education program? They have both here. If I went through the technical college it will take 2 quarters and if I went through the college with the continuing education program it will take me about 6 weeks. Does longer mean better? The college with he continuing education program is a real college but this is just through continuing education. Does that mean it's any good? Or would it be better to go through the technical school? Thanks in advanced!

Is this offensive to you?

No. This is harsh and honest. Some people may think that including such things in literature is "offensive", but if it's the truth and demonstrates how monstrous you think the traders were, then it's the price you'll have to pay for art. Art is painful, you know? When Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle", he included all kinds of nasty details that many people found offensive. But the meatpacking industry changed. He exposed evils that others were too afraid to write about. Bravery and honesty isn't something to be ashamed of. You don't have to go into huge detail--sometimes saying it happened is enough. But even the Bible is more frank with "offensive" subjects. As long as you have the right point of view with good intentions, I think it's probably okay.

How my friend cna cal my from China to Germany ?

Promise your friend that you will pay the phone bill. Trust me , your friend will call you all the time.

Is chapter three good?

I hope i can get some more of this book i am not one to really like books but so far i really am enjoying this one. such a cool book so far i wonder when you will finish it

Why won't my USB flash drive clear?

It's capacity is 8 GB. I deleted everything I had in there so it is now empty. But it says I only have 1 GB left and it should be 8 GB. help :(

What do you think of this? unusually shallow?

I am a 21 year old female. I am a junior in college. I took all online classes this year, I've never moved out of my parents' house. I've worked the same gas station job (which I don't like) since I was in high school. I have always been very shy. I don't like people. I don't have any friends. I kissed a boy before one time couple summers ago. I have always wanted to own a bear sanctuary or marry a bear (I've always been madly in love with Yogi Bear). I'm studying to be a clinical lab scientist. But all I really care about is that I want to/ wish I was very attractive and beautiful. I have Asperger's syndrome too (I forgot to mention that). I hate when other girls are prettier, and this just feels like the most important thing to me. Doesn't that seem strange to you? I want a lover who will think that I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm not sure if this is normal because I don't like people and have been extremely shy and strange my whole life. It is like I never really have any interests. I just want to be beautiful and sexual with someone special to me. This is what I constantly want. I really don't care about anything else. I trudge through my homework.

Is this dangerous or not?

yes you can eat. I take ibuprophen all the time(i have a sciatica problem). If you tend to get nauseated when you take pills you should at least take them with something like milk. If you're like me(ibuprophen doesn't make my stomach sick) then don't worry, just don't take more than is recommended. good luck!!

List of freshwater tropical fish?

I have an empty 10 gallon, 20 gallon, and 40 gallon tank. Could someone create a list of cool to look at but not to hard to find or expensive freshwater fish that could be in these tanks. And does anyone know some plants I could put in there too? Thanks

Laws for calling the cops?

okay, so my town is doing kareoke night(it's in the empty lot behind my house) and i have to work at 700 in the morning tommrow, so at what time can i call the cops? it's a tiny town, and everyones related. PS we live in MN


Is it possible to renew my CNA license in Massachusetts if it has expired and I havent worked since it expired?!? If so where or how can I do so? Will I have to take the course over again or couldi just take the written and physical test again?

How to get out of a lease?

I had signed up for a lease agreement in april of this year. for one year agreement till next april. My boyfriend has lost his job and I have been sick off and on so money is tight and we really cant afford to live there anymore paying $701 a month. We have talked to the property manager and the only way we can get out of our lease agreement is either Military orders, Move out, but still pay rent till someone can move in ( which we all know they would not work on finding someone till allot heir empty ones were full) or find someone to take over the apartment. We have been trying that. Posting it legally on facebook account and Craigslist. But does anyone know any other way to get out of it? We live in Florida and according the place they tell us that in Florida there is no termination fee. Which would be wonderful, So for now we are cutting corners the best we can. But...any help?

To get a job as a CNA, should I just volunteer first until they have an opening?

They won't let you volunteer as a CNA. They wouldn't do it because of liability issues. You need to be a hired employee to take care of patients/residents.

Slave inspection....................…

I don't know what exactly it is you seek since there is no question asked. I will comment though. This kind of inflammatory, self-fulfilling trash is only written to give you artistic liscense to cover your obscene and biggoted nature. Why don't you try something along the line of the troll under the bridge, which would make a great book of reflection on yourself!

What do you think of my story so far?

Omg your such a good writer if you published a book i would read it...i truly would your story was so intresting when i finished reading this i was sad because i wanted to know what happend to her and so on DX I want to read it sooooooooooooo much DX

Can an EMT certified person get hired as a CNA?

I am debating to take a CNA course which is far and cost more prior to gas expenses. Asking because CNAs get paid a little more than caregivers and do the same things. EMT would use medical terms like CNAs correct? IF no, is it possible to be hired as "EMT" and do CNA duties to fill the CNA position?

I'm 5 months pregnant and my boyfriend cant find a job help!!!?

My boyfriend and i both go to school im currently earning my diploma on August 5th ill be out of school soon. I will be allowed back to school when my baby is 3 months so that I can get my cna. My boyfriend has a little more time to go so that he can earn his diploma but we don't got a specific date yet. My due date is on october 28th and I feel like we wont be ready for this baby we get like 180$ a month from school and that's the only income coming in rite now. We have been looking for jobs but we've never worked before so therefore we don't have work experience and im pregnant they dont tell me that thats the reason but im pretty sure thats the reason they dont hire me.

Movie cover (like 80's or 90's) about a woman being strung up by her hands? kinda sexy?

i dont remember the title or anything, just the VHS movie cover. i think it involved something about a woman being kidnapped and held against her will. it was kind of sexual, and she may have been topless from the back? she is being strung up by both hands in some kind of empty room

What do you think of my (...dare i say it..?) poem?

If you were my friend, I would sit you down for a few serious questions, because the content is not just graphic, but gleeful as well. You do a good job of expressing yourself in words. If you ARE cutting, you must get help. In the meantime, try to resort to writing every time you feel those strong urges. If this is a cry for help, it's loud and clear.

I am torn on what to do. job advice?

CNA work is very low paying no matter where you go for this kind of work. So your facility has made an effort to get you on their payroll by creating a temporary, and usually, low paying position. You won't get any benefits or vacation time, and that is the trouble. Too many such facilities will short-change anyone they can. So decide how you want your work career to go. But before quitting, be sure you already have the new job.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is this story good? Please read below?!?

I'm a little confused on who everyone is. I her name Kara or Sheana? I think you might want slow the pace of the story a little but it's kind of interesting. I wouldn't have them say mean or use the word scoff. They just don't fit.on so don't say soooooo have her say so then use a adjective. You have to consider there age and if there sluffers how smart the are with their english. Your stories fine though.

I don't know what to do anymore?

I'm so lost. About a year ago I stopped eating a became a border-line anorexic. I got out of it. But I can't stay away from it. I can't stop thinking back to it and feeling sad. I'm not even sure why I do. I often try to go back but I never can. The reason this happened is because everyone turned their backs on me, and I got lonely and wanted to be perfect. Anyone else feel sad when they look back on it? I have social anxiety and depression and I find it really really hard to cope with. Someone could say one thing and it could make me want to commit suicide. I have tried twice. Once I had to go to the hospital. Things got hard after that, my mum had a nervous breakdown. And it was because of me. The guilt was to much. I should of been happy. I found new friends and the people that turned their backs on me came over and said sorry. I planned a pact with someone but couldn't go through with it because he didn't think it was right for me to go so young. I just feel so lonely and sad it kills me. Some days I just lay in bed because I don't see the point in getting up anymore. I can't see the value in life. I feel so empty. I don't know what to do. I need someone to help me I think. Who knows?

Why am I not excited?

Wedding planning is overwhelming, it can take a toll on everyone, too many details and lots of couples actually break up during preparations because of the added stress, when the day comes and you walk down the aisle you will see all the years and the downs were part of the past and this will be your new beginning. im happy for you and totally understand why you don't feel excited. don't feel bad its normal. you will be super excited once you have the dress on and see its all happening .. Good Luck and congratulations

Does masturbating too much drain your energy?

For once I thought I finally found the one thing that you can do a lot of, that's AWESOME, without any negative after effects. But I think I might be wrong on that, because it may explain why exercise is still so hard for me and I don't have much energy for many things. Is it true that it really drains you of energy and that explains the great feeling you get from it? Because it drains it all at once and you feel so satisfied afterwards? Many people say that masturbating too much isn't a bad thing at all.. but I think they only think about it from one angle.. such as whether or not your sperm levels will permenently empty, or if your penis becomes useless.. all of those I know about, which obviously don't happen.. but have they thought about it from the perspective of how it makes you feel afterwards? I'm beginning to think that masturbation is like fast food. REALLY great when you're having it, but the punishments are fierce. Is that true?

15th Birthday party ideas?

I had a rave party at our garage and it didnt cost too much; find a local dj to play for you, buy some glowsticks, and have a party :D

Can anyone help me with this description?

The melancholy, swirling clouds of gray reflected the auora deserted grounds. There was no joy here. The smiles of playing children had long faded; the smiling faces were blown away in the howeling wind. One could not even imagine the upbeat music that used to play here, the sound of cheers at gaming victories, or the engines of mechanical rides hard at work. The only sound now was the screech of metal against metal, that the delapidated fence emmitted when hit with a whisp of wind. The chains of this fence where broken in many places, creating holes big enough for a small person to crawl though; not that any mother would allow her child anywhere near the red-orange rust that spread thoughout the links. Beyond the gate stood a merry go round. This ride looks like it had seen the worst of the years out of use. The horse's paint was chipped, showing the composite interior, while in most areas the hooves of the plastic animals had fallen of altogether. It was impossible to think that this place had ever been full of fun and freedom, impossible to stand in the rust-smelling dirt.

Does this make sense? Or is it too obscure?

It's really vague and hard to follow ..Just relax and quit trying to write just for the sake of writing and let something flow from within and you will have better results. Keep writing.

How hard is nursing school really?

I am fairly positive that I want to be a nurse. My dad is a doctor and I am in CNA school now to get experience. I love healthcare and nursing seems like the profession for me. However, I constantly hear from girls in the program about how it's "soooo intense" and completely kills your social life. I am used to studying hard, but they make it sound like it's just as hard as med school!! I realize that I will have to cut back on my partying quite a bit so I can focus on nursing, but I still want to have somewhat of a social life!

Hopeless.. Hurting.. I need some help..?

I have experienced this same situation with minor differences. My parents are divorced and I'm always home alone so it was hard to want to do anything. I also don't have a ton of friends and school was stressful with advanced courses and sports. The way I got over things was trying to feel good about myself again. I tried to get in better shape, do better in school, and be closer to the friends I had. Slowly, I stopped feeling as depressed. You said that you want to study art and music, start doing hobbies that you enjoy and relate to your future. I know, this probably sucks to hear, but you need to make your new future, without this person.

Sometimes dreams are realized, will you C/C please?

Just finished reading one of Billy Collin's poetry books. Very conversational, at least to my interpretation, in his style as is this. Great story with more meat underneath when one pauses. Not a fan of how you laid this out though and some grammar and punctuation edits are needed but that's your call. Enjoyed though.

Is it hard to get hired in a hospital as a CNA if you have no experience?

If I just have a CNA license but have yet to work at a hospital? I would highly prefer to work at a hospital then at a nursing home.

Best advice on forgetting about love?

Focus on other things in your life, go out with friends, study something you are interested in, take up a hobby and fill your life with the things that make you happy. This is a cliche, but when you stop looking for love, that's when it can emerge.

How's the start of my novel?

Very well written! I'm surprised you're 11. Wow. The last few sentences seem to be Purple Prose though. Remove all the extra adjectives and adverbs. Anyway, it seems to be good enough to publish and I would definitely read it. By the way, what genre are you writing for?

Something is wrong with my cat.. I think he may be having seizure's but i'm not sure...?

Keep a close eye on your cat - it is most likely a reaction to the operation and the problems should subside. If they continue or worsen then contact your vet. It could be a reaction to the medication given to him. But don't stop without talking the vet first.

I feel like im being replaced by my bestfriend...?

There's always going to be a girl or guy that you feel is stealing your best friend, just try to hang out with her, make plans, get together and re-connect lol sounds weird but it just might work.

Urgent situation please help :(?

my mom has been suffering and is in great pain since 3 am it's 5:30am....she took a voltaren before she slept on an empty stomach...she vomitted twice after 4:00am...and she's still in great pain....her face is really pale...and the pain is on the left side of her stomach....what is wrong with her? my sister just took her to the hospital but i need to know now :(

Dropping out of college?

So I am getting ready to fill out a from to appeal a SAP hold on my record. I highly doubt they will appeal it so that leaves me with no aid for school which means I will have to drop out. I have my CNA but I really don't want to be only a CNA. My frist option is to just be a CNA in-till I have enough money to go to a ivy tech of some sort, or my second option is too see if there are any careers out there I could do with SOME college???? Is there any jobs that require not very much training and are rewarding?? Any jobs that will be a career even without college???

Would you do me a favour and read through my short Creative Writing piece?

To be honest I thought it was a slight bit dull. There is plenty do do with this piece to make it enthralling. For one, instead of gushed you could say that "your mother" forced out the words through her clogged throat of tears. I would say add a bit more of the other people in the airport to it. How did they react when the children's parents left their kids? Was there something else going on in the airport this whole time or was it just a regular day there? Was the weather hot? Cold? Mild? Humid? All these things get the reader involved and feel like they are more in the story. How do you want this story to play out? You can add a twist to it and make it about a cult or something or you could even double twist it and make it nothing special while having it seem to have a darker tone. It all depends on how you want your story. Just think of yourself as the reader and put in there what you would like to know. Good luck, I hope I could be of some help.

If this had happened to you what would you have done?

Why is this question in the "Royalty" section? Queen Elizabeth only has time to answer really important questions.

How long does your period last?

k im on birth control and i have to take it at the same time evry day but i kept forgetting couse i moved from oregon to oklahoma(different time zones) anyways i thought i started spotting but then realized i was on my period ive been on it for a whole week now and its pretty heavy still. im freaked out because ur not supposed to be on ur period wen u take b control untill the pack is empty. what should i do and if this has happened to any one plz tell me no and tell me wat u did.

Is having sex in church bad?

My husband and I get our thrills having sex in public. In the early morning service at our church, it's mostly old people, so no one can hear us. Plus, there aren't that many people there, so the back pews are always empty. Is it okay for us to mutually masturbate during the sermon? To have full on intercourse? It helps us feel like God is fully included in our relationship.

When i place a sim on a lot the screen goes black and says the sims 3 error has occured and shuts my sims down?

its very slow and glitches in the create a sim mode but when i try to place them on any lot even an empty one it does the loading thing then it goes back and the loading hand thing is still there then the pop up happens. I just got generations today and don't understand what is wrong with it.

Phlebotomy / Drawing blood - Certification Needed?

yes. my friend is an idiot and she works at a blood clinic. im not saying you are but i think as long as you dont mess up you should be fine. she has no training at all in anything barely a high school diploma think you should be perfectly fine.

I need help forgetting about my ex plz help.?

ok well my ex boyfriend and i recently broke up (he's choice) im deeply in-love with him,we were together for a year and 3 months,we had broken up for a month not so long ago but he asked me back out bcuz he found out i was talking to someone else,its very hard for me to get over him and not think about him when he's been the only man in my life that has taken me serious and been with me through my hard times since my dad past away,he's 22 and im 20,he has daughter with another girl and that would be one big problem when he had to see her bcuz im a jealous girl,he had asked me to move in with him but i said i wasn't ready due to the fact i really wanted to fix all the problems we had,we used to work together but he recently transferred to another restaurant(before we broke up),now im really hurt bcuz i was so used to him,now he doesn't answer my calls,my txt...i just want to know he's okay bcuz i still love him...i don't want to forget about him by talking to another guy,if i were to be with him again i would do things differently i would trust him more,he has been a huge part of my life and now it feels like my life has no meaning(pretty dumb i know)but that's hows i feel,i miss him so much,i don't want to bug him so i just want to get away and not think about him,but its impossible when all i do is think about him.he was and is a great guy and a father,i have annappointmentt to talk to asurginge in a week he asked me to not stop talking to him and keep him updated with that but idon'tt think i should bcuz hehasn'tt even bothered to txt or call me at all,so why should i bother him with that,we had so many plans for our future together and now there all gone i feel like to him they were all empty promises..plz help me and tell me what i could do..

I have 2 questions about my story. please answer, i havent had many answers for my questions lately?

It is a good idea and would be very readable although you do have some typing errors there. I like the fact that you have chosen an Inuit word for the bear's name as it does show a level of research that many on this site fail to achieve. I suggest you print it off and read it out loud or get someone to read it to you and you will hear the things that need changing. The story so far flows well so keep at it. Good luck with your story.

How far or near is home? Will you C/C please?

If your synapses fire, we have to send you a kind drizzle! A lucky person this receiver must be, of your flagrant bliss. Weeping messes me up, I 'll start dancing for you, the dance is called "A flagrant rain dance", from where I am, Your reality becomes ours when you are upset, try to be happy, OK? OK!

How can i change my husband?

He loves to make messes...ill buy some organizal the way home I'm looking forward to going out the the "norm" putting them together...but as soon as we get home he ripps the box open empties out the contents puts said unit together..with his interestst in mind and screws off...leaving a big mess and a half assed project for me to deal with...every frickin time!! dosent matter what it is..he will bring the groceries in put the meat away and say "meh" to anything else..he dosent work..I do everything with the kids and the house..our yard is full of his "projects"...he'll dissapear for hours to do soemthing that takes a half an hour...he's a terrible husband and a "alright" father..will he ever change?

Should i take bjj or muay thai?

I have an option of taking mauy thai or BJJ. I want to do it so if a fight turns up or i have to protect someone i cna do it. I do shotokan but will leave it for one of the two. which will you recommend?

Heater core leaking. My fault?

Heater cores can rot without warning. The choice will be to cork the hoses that route to the core or replace it.

Yay :D well idk if i should continue this.. your opinions on this ?

CONTINUE IT!!!! I am so intrigued and have so many questions. Other people will be thinking the same thing but they may never be answered if you quit working on it.

My ex keeps contacting though wants to still date other people?

So i am gay and I met this guy last year. We are both in our thirties but he was still dealing with coming out of the closet. He wasn't out to anyone and I knew this may be a problem but still trudged ahead because I had such strong feelings for him. Unfortunately, he was also in the military and had to go out of out-of-state for like 4 months. Before he left, he expressed his love for me. I also felt strongly for him. I had felt he did this to cement the relationship so when he comes back, we will be together. While he was away we talked constantly and sent each other letters and such. I noticed before he came back he was quite distant. Our first physical meeting was awkward and i expressed my feelings that something was wrong. Now this is someone who doesn't express negative feelings very well but he expressed that while he was away, he began to start to dislike himself for being gay and just simply didn't know he felt. Now, he also said that his feelings for me in the beginning were strong but didn't feel strongly about me now. He also said sorry for leading me on. I took this as breaking up with me so I said that we should just be friends but that i needed some space for some time. From that point on, we talked occassionally, mainly on holidays but didn't physically see each other for many months. I was very depressed about the breakup along with other things in my life and had personally decided that it may be a good time to move away from the city back home. I still had some of his things and many months later, we met up so i could pass some of his things to him. I told him about my desire to move and mentioned that maybe we should meet one day but basically said that as a nice gesture since i said it before and he never attempted to make plans. After this meeting, he started to contact me constantly to hang out. I wasn't as receptive but eventually decided to meet him when i got an email that he had come out to his entire family. We met on like a Monday which happened to be Valentines Day and he was very very happy about how things were going for him and he had many drinks. On the way out of the restaurant, he told me that he wanted to tell me that because he wasn't out to his family, it bothered him a lot and felt that it many ways, this is why our relationship went eventually sour. I didn't respond to his statement because i was concerned about where this was heading. We started to hang out again and he was so happy and enjoyable to be around and my feelings started to arise again. He then laid a plunker on me that he was going on a date with someone. He tried to talk about this date to me a few times until I met with him and told him that it was too painful to hear about dates and recommended I don't speak to him for a long time. He didn't want that and met with me to talk aabout things. he was so distant and of course I was very emotional and he said that he was hurt when I BROKE UP WITH HIM. I told him it was the other way around in my head but he basically wanted to still date me and according to him, I broke it off and he went through a lot of pain with this. I was so confused and hurt by the situation. I told him that if we talk, i just can't hear about new dates. I have tried to ignore him but it is very hard. He still contacts me all of the time and if i ignore him, he always tries to contact me in other ways. In our conversations, he is also a lot like he was in the past, caring and sweet and I can't get over him because I keep thinking there is hope. He has now started calling me at night once in awhile before i go to bed to say goodnight but he is still dating other people as far as I know. Why is he doing this if he wants to explore his new life dating?