Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I need help forgetting about my ex plz help.?

ok well my ex boyfriend and i recently broke up (he's choice) im deeply in-love with him,we were together for a year and 3 months,we had broken up for a month not so long ago but he asked me back out bcuz he found out i was talking to someone else,its very hard for me to get over him and not think about him when he's been the only man in my life that has taken me serious and been with me through my hard times since my dad past away,he's 22 and im 20,he has daughter with another girl and that would be one big problem when he had to see her bcuz im a jealous girl,he had asked me to move in with him but i said i wasn't ready due to the fact i really wanted to fix all the problems we had,we used to work together but he recently transferred to another restaurant(before we broke up),now im really hurt bcuz i was so used to him,now he doesn't answer my calls,my txt...i just want to know he's okay bcuz i still love him...i don't want to forget about him by talking to another guy,if i were to be with him again i would do things differently i would trust him more,he has been a huge part of my life and now it feels like my life has no meaning(pretty dumb i know)but that's hows i feel,i miss him so much,i don't want to bug him so i just want to get away and not think about him,but its impossible when all i do is think about him.he was and is a great guy and a father,i have annappointmentt to talk to asurginge in a week he asked me to not stop talking to him and keep him updated with that but idon'tt think i should bcuz hehasn'tt even bothered to txt or call me at all,so why should i bother him with that,we had so many plans for our future together and now there all gone i feel like to him they were all empty promises..plz help me and tell me what i could do..

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