Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do u think she likes me or she just wants to be friends? please please help?

Im 23 and she is 22. I am studying to become a dentist and she is studying to be a CNA (just wanted to throw it out there that were not some kids) I met her on Facebook through a friend ( kind of cheesy way to meet) but we chatted couple of times and then I went to meet her up in person at her dads pizza place (she works there) she made me hecka food and insisted that I not pay. Then while work was slow there we talked for a good 2 hours and our conversation was amazing...its like we clicked right away. Then 2 weeks later I asked jer to have coffee with me and again we met and chatted for 3 hours without realizing how fast time flew. That's when I got her number so we text each other in the evening when were not busy. We have good conversations and I am starting to really like this girl but im not sure how I can tell if she is interested....I mean I dont want to just ask her cuz that would not be smooth. Do u think texting till 2am is kinda of a sign? And yesterday I went to a wedding of a friend me and her know coincidentally and she asked me if I could save her a seat next to me because she doesn't know many people there. So I did and we had a great time

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